Ever since I started investing in luxury designer bags, I knew it was important for me to take care of them. But before starting my luxury resale business, I didn't really know how to care for your luxury designer bags. I wasn't aware of all the products available nor did I know which ones were good to use on my leather and coated canvas bags. I was scared to use any product on them for fear it would ruin my bags I worked hard to obtain. Thanks to my first wholesale supplier rep for sharing their product recommendations with me so ... Read more...
Graphic Tees For the Luxury Lover
If you're a lover of luxury designer goods, then you will love my collection of graphic tees for the luxury lover! I launched my t-shirts late last year because I wanted to create something that would tie into my luxury resale business but also be more affordable then even my up-cycled collection. Since launching my graphic tees I have added many new designs, as well as expanded into sweatshirts, farmers market totes, mugs and more! Check out some of my best selling styles as well as some of my new current favorites below. You can ... Read more...
Everything You Need to Know About Shopping Luxury Resale
One thing I've found since launching my luxury resale business, a little over a year and a half ago, is that as lot of what I end up doing is educating people on shopping luxury resale. So I figured it best that I write a blog post about everything you need to know about shopping luxury resale, and what you should be looking out for when shopping for pre-owned luxury designer goods online. I hope this helps educate buyers who are considering shopping pre-owned. It is so important to do your research! Everything You Need To ... Read more...
Shopping Small Business Saturday
I've always loved supporting small businesses and now with my own business, Have Need Want Luxury, I am gearing up for my second Small Business Saturday. Last year I launched my new website as well as my own app. If you didn't already know, I sell preowned and new luxury designer items from Louis Vuitton, Gucci, Hermes, Prada, Chanel, YSL, Dior, and many more! Everything is authenticated prior to listing so you can shop with confidence knowing the item you are interested in are 100% authentic and backed with a money back guarantee. We ... Read more...
First Quota Bag Offer and my Hermes Journey to Get it
Since I recently had the incredible experience of having my first quota bag offer from Hermes I figured I would share with you my journey to get a Birkin offer and what myths were debunked regarding the Hermes game. Quota Bag Myth #1 First off, the idea that you need to spend 1:1 or 2:1 to receive a quota bag offer is false. While I have spent a good amount on items from Hermes that I love, I was nowhere near a 1:1 spend for the bag I was offered. I did make purchases from a few product categories like, shoes and fashion ... Read more...