I’ve been wanting a new handbag for quite some time now. My last major handbag purchase was a few years ago during a trip to New York. Best consignment shopping EVER, and while in Soho I discovered Roundabout Resale where I snagged myself an almost mint condition Stephane Kelian black woven leather handbag (the one I carry almost every day, yeah that one.) So I’m ready to find my next “it” bag and retire this one to the occasional use like the others.
So as much as I’d love a Chanel handbag, which option would you choose to rock this Spring/Summer?
Label: Chanel Caviar CC Bag, available via What Goes Around Comes Around, $5,250 on Shopbop. For less: Rebecca Minkoff, Swing Convertible Crossbody Bag, $295. & less: Forever 21, Signature Quilted Shoulder Bag, $24.80.