My Gucci bag has quickly become my favorite. I’d wanted a Gucci bag for the longest time but since Justin had gotten me my Chanel for my 30th birthday/Christmas I wasn’t expecting another designer handbag for quite a while. When it comes to designer handbags I’m all about waiting till I can afford the real deal. But, I totally get how not everyone has the budget or the desire to spend their hard earned money all on one handbag. But, you’d still like the look, am I right! So for today’s post I went searching for the best Gucci bag dupes that I could find.
I definitely don’t recommend ever purchasing a fake designer bag. What I mean by that is, don’t buy a bag that is knocking off the brands logo. I consider that a big no-no. I’m not trying to judge if you have done that but morally I’m not about it at all. So for these dupes you’ll notice that none of them have the Gucci logo but are similar in shape, color, and/or style. This is something I can get down with! As there are definitely bags I’ve had my eye on that I just can’t justify the price but want the look! And let’s be real, a girl can only have so much money tied up into designer pieces. It’s not sustainable to think you can always have the “it” bag each season. Or maybe you can, and more power to you!! That’s just not my reality.
The Best Gucci Bag Dupes by Style:
This is taking up so much more time than I had anticipated trying to find the Gucci bag styles I want to highlight and then finding the best dupes possible so I will be adding to this post the next few days to include more styles as I have time. Thank you for stopping by the blog today and I hope you enjoyed this post!!
If you feel like I’ve missed a bag style you’d love for me to highlight please let me know in the comments section or feel free to email me!