I’m excited that we’ve brought back the mom gang to have another mom chat. If you don’t know what I’m talking about, I’m linking up with some fellow mom bloggers to discuss specific topics that effect moms. This months post is all about traveling with kids. Do you love it, hate it, scared to try it?
Traveling with kids is very different than traveling with your spouse. It’s not nearly as relaxing but there is something so special about experiencing new places with your LO and seeing it through their eyes. I like to say that traveling with kids is less like a vacation and more like a change of scenery which can still be a good thing. If you’re in one place for too long, and you’re like me always dreaming of the next destination I’ll get to travel to, it is nice to get a change of scenery and experience someplace new.
I’ve had some great travel experiences with Mason and also some not so great travel experiences. When Mason was a baby it was a lot easier to travel with him. I had to tailor my day around his feeding and nap schedule but overall he was easy to travel with. Our trip to Canada before Mason turned one, was one of those trips. He flew extremely well, was able to roll with all the travel punches, and we were able to keep him on his regular sleep schedule. We got to experience so much on our trip and seeing the pure delight in his eyes was magical as a mom. Also, getting to travel to a location both Justin and I had never been to before and had dreamed of traveling to with Mason made it that much more special.
As Mason’s gotten older, traveling can pose some challenges. On one of our trips earlier this year, to Catalina Island, the days were great but the nights were a nightmare. Mason struggled to sleep at night and was screaming and crying for hours each night. It was exhausting for both me and Justin as well as terribly hard to not be able to calm him down. It took all of our patience not to loose it. And if I’m going to be completely honest with you, one night I did totally loose it! His crying got the best of me and I just couldn’t take it. I started crying and I didn’t stop till Mason fell asleep. But in that same trip we took a helicopter ride to and from Catalina Island and Mason did so great on the flight. It was so cool to experience that with him.
So what do I think about traveling with kids, well overall, I love it. I’d rather travel with Mason than not travel at all. I do dream about those trips that I get to take solo, or without Mason, but we find ourselves always talking about how much Mason would like this or that if he’s not with us. When we went to Temecula in April for a friends wedding we left Mason with my parents because it was an adult only wedding. The resort we stayed at had the best pool area with a separate kids area with waterslide and kiddy wading pool with water fountains. I couldn’t help but think about how much Mason would have loved that place. It made me want to come back with him. And as any parent would say, when you get some time alone without your LO, you miss them like crazy!
On Mason- Top: Koala Kids (sold out). Pants: Levi’s. Bottle: Comotomo.
I’m linking up with a few other moms to talk about traveling with kids. You can read their posts here!
April | Heather | Alyssa | Laura
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