As a non-working girl, I can’t afford blowouts all the time so I have decided to invest in a curling iron. Up until this point I haven’t been too adventurous when it comes to styling my own hair. I either leave it naturally curly and for those of you who are, know they don’t always do what you want, or I straighten it.
I’ve never used a curling iron before so this will be a learning experience. All I know is that when I tried to give myself blowout quality curls in the past with a roller brush and a blow dryer it didn’t turn out so well for me. Something about the reverse hand eye coordination in the mirror…hopefully I won’t have a problem with the curling iron!
I decided to go with a ceramic curling iron that has heat control. It’s a brand I haven’t heard of before, FHI Heat, and I picked it up at Marshall’s so it wasn’t that big of an investment (since I am in the testing phase no need for a crazy expensive one.)
Any good styling tips for how to get blowout quality curls? I could use all the help I can get in this department!
Photo Credit: All photos are off The Drybar website.