I recently received the book, Traffic Secrets: The Underground Playbook for Filling Your Websites and Funnels with Your Dream Customers, to read, review, and to participate in a sponsored 30-Day Challenge. If you have been following along since the last week in May, I hope you've found the challenge to be interesting so far. If not, and you're curious, head over to my Facebook page to see my daily challenge posts. This 30-Day Challenge is supposed to help you learn key marketing strategies to help increase your site traffic, increase ... Read more...
The Business of Blogging and Social Media
I want to share something with you all that has been weighing on my heart lately. It’s something I struggle with as a blogger and it's the business of blogging and social media. I absolutely love what I do! I love being able to connect with you and share a bit of myself with you all hoping that I can inspire you to elevate your everyday!! But here’s the thing, I know very well that by sharing my outfits, "lifestyle", sales, travels and more, that it feeds into this feeling of always wanting more. As a society it seems newness is so ... Read more...
How To Grow Your Pinterest Account And Drive Traffic To Your Blog
How to utilize and grow your Pinterest account has been a highly requested blog post by a lot of my blogger friends and blogging community. I have been able to grow my Pinterest account from only 35k monthly viewers to over 750k monthly viewers in a matter of just 3 months. I'm sharing my tips and spilling everything I have implemented these past three months to help you be able to do the same. If you're curious how to grow your Pinterest account and drive traffic to your blog this post is for you. First off, Pinterest is a ... Read more...