Happy first Monday of the New Year! I hope you all had a wonderful holiday season. I took a nice long and much needed break from the blog and social media. Spent quality time with my family, continued powering through our ADU project that we are getting so close to finishing and focused on me and our growing baby. I'm planning to post a first trimester recap soon to compare the major differences between this pregnancy and my pregnancy with Mason so be on the lookout for that soon if you're pregnant or just interested in hearing how ... Read more...
10 Favorite Fall Drinks
Now that it's officially Fall I thought it was time to share with you some of my favorite fall drinks. I know not everyone is into pumpkin spice everything so if you fall into that camp, not to worry, I've got some great fall drink options for you too! It's been a hot minute since I've shared some cocktail recipes with you all. Last time was a few years ago when I shared a few champagne cocktail recipes I found. This list is not just alcoholic drinks but also ones you can sip while cozying up on the sofa or wrapped in a blanket ... Read more...
Emergency Evacuation Checklist + “Go Kit”
Wow, I never thought to write a post like this, but then again I also never thought I'd have written all the posts on preparing for quarantine, sharing tips for working at home with kids, the ways shelter in place has been a blessing, or getting salon quality hair at home, but those wen't up starting back in March. Being a resource for you is my main goal with Have Need Want, and while I always figured it would be a resource for fashion inspiration, styling tips, home decor and DIY, motherhood and the like, 2020 has proven that there ... Read more...
10 Simple Summer Recipes
I've been experimenting in the kitchen and trying out some new recipes. I figured I'd share some of them with you in case you're looking to expand your summer meal options. I'm linking all the sites where I found these simple summer recipes so the original recipe owners get the credit they so deserve for creating these simple yet delicious recipes. I have included all the info you need to create these recipes yourself in this post for simplicity sake so be sure to save this post for later when you've run out of ideas for mealtime and ... Read more...
Life Lately: Motherhood During a Pandemic
I felt like I wanted to share a little of my life lately because I am sure so many of you can relate. Motherhood during a pandemic is no joke. I've been feeling like I am struggling at home even though I am used to being home most of the time, as a stay at home mom. It's been 5 months of quarantine and sheltering in place and while the world has changed in so many ways, Justin's work hasn't changed at all. As a fire fighter his work schedule is business as usual. The same goes for his military obligations. He was away for three weeks ... Read more...