I can hardly believe Mason is already 18 months old going on 19 months. The time sure does fly by! What were essentials in our diaper bag when he was an infant has changed a little since he became a toddler. There are a number of items I do not leave the house without and I wanted to share those with you all today. You can see from these pics that some of them don’t last long so I always bring lots of extras just in case.
Our 8 Diaper Bag Essentials:
1. Diapers: This is pretty obvious one but hey I don’t leave the house without at least 3 or 4 because you never know when he might have an accident or go through a few in a short period of time. It happens to us more than I’d like to admit. But I tell you this kid will fill his diaper up with pee and them minutes after I change him, he’ll go #2.
2. Wipes: I love our Honest wipes. We’ve never had any issues with them irritating Mason’s skin. I use them to also clean his hands and face if he gets messy after eating a meal.
3. Change of clothes: Any mama will tell you, the time they don’t bring a change of clothes is the time your kiddo has a blowout, even after they haven’t had one in months! So I always bring a change of clothes. Typically a short sleeve shirt, either a sweatshirt or jacket, pants and shoes. Sometimes I’ll even bring a pair of shorts if I think the weather might warm up and/or a long sleeve shirt if we’re going to be out most of the day and it might cool down significantly from the time we leave the house.
4. Sunblock: I realized I didn’t take the sunblock out of the pocket I have it in but I will never leave the house without Mason’s sunblock!
5. Bottle and water sippy cup: Mason goes through his “ba ba” of almond milk so quick and so I always bring a water bottle with us as well. He loves to drink milk but equally a water drinker which I love. I have yet to give him juice on a day to day basis. When we’ve been on vacation with Mason is really the only time we’ve let him have apple juice. I guess I’m holding off as long as possible to have him drinking juice regularly.
6. Apple sauce pouch: If Mason isn’t feeling any other food I know he’ll go for an apple sauce pouch so I always have one handy. He’s obsessed with these pouches and could literally have 2-3 in a day if I’d let him.
7. Happy Baby teething crackers: These are an absolute MUST in our diaper bag. I tell you Mason could live off of these. I buy all three flavors that they have and he loves them all equally. I think it’s safe to say I pack at least 3-4 packs of these crackers whenever we leave the house. If Mason is having a meltdown I know he’ll clam down as soon as I pull out a pack of his crackers!
8. Butt Paste: I guess I should have mentioned this towards the top when I was numbering off diapers and wipes but I almost forgot. Like I mentioned before, thankfully the Honest company diapers and wipes have never irritated Mason’s skin but every once and a while if we’re in the car for a long period of time he may get a little redness and so I always put butt paste on after his diaper change so make sure it doesn’t turn into a rash.
Mama’s what are some of your diaper bag essentials?! Did I miss anything?
Shop my diaper bag essentials:
I’m linking up with a couple of other moms today (Lauren & Alyssa & Caitlin) who are sharing what’s in their diaper bags! Head over to their blog posts and say hello!
Thank you so much for stopping by the blog today and I hope you enjoyed the post!