I can’t believe that my little baby is already half a year old! It feels like not that long ago we were surprised to learn that we were going to be meeting our baby boy three weeks early. It’s a long story…you can read all about it here!
So I realized that it’s been a while since I’ve updated you all on my little Mason. I had every intention of doing monthly updates but then…life happened. So here’s the short story, he very quickly, like from day one, became our world. He was so stinking cute and tiny and now well he’s so stinking adorable and big! Mason is no longer sleeping in our room but in his big boy nursery and just the other day we had him sleeping on his crib mattress without his co-sleeper. I got nervous because I saw his neck turned very far to the side and was worried he might burry his face in the side of his co-sleeper so we gave it a shot and had him on his mattress. Let me just tell you that at one point in the night, when I checked his monitor he wasn’t in view. He had totally shifted from the top of the mattress to the bottom and I could barely see his head! Not sure if/when I’ll be ready to let him loose without the co-sleeper again but it was nice to know that his sleep wasn’t effected. (PS I just realized that it’s only meant for babies up to 6 months so I guess tonights the night he will be without his beloved cosleeper!)
This time is just flying by with him, he’s growing leaps and bounds every day. It’s been a while since I updated you all on how life as a new mom is going and so I thought I would take the time to share with you all, seeing as Mason is now already half a year old!
Mason’s Major Milestones:
1. He can easily roll over from his back to his tummy now. If you follow me on social media then you might have seen my Instastories showing him rolling over. He had been rolling from his tummy to his back since if I can recall around 3.5 – 4 months but didn’t master back to tummy until 5 months.
2. Mason’s getting his first tooth! Teething is no joke as I’m sure you other mamas know. His sleep has been greatly effected by it and so has mine. So far, what works the best is the boob. I’m trying out lots of teething toys but so far they don’t last very long before he’s crying in pain again, all red in the face, and my heart is breaking for him so out comes the boob!
3. His giggles are EVERYTHING! I cannot even begin to describe how much I love the sound he makes when he is laughing. It is the best sound. I’ve been able to distract him from his discomfort with his tooth coming in and even gotten a few laughs and that’s just been the greatest feeling.
4. His is sounding out words…well trying to at least. I love how attentive my little man is. I see him watching me as I talk and then trying to sound out the words. Again, as a first time mom, getting to watch my baby develop has brought me the greatest joy. It’s so incredibly cool. I don’t know how else to describe it to you all.
5. His hand eye coordination is improving so much! Mason can easily pass his toys from one hand to the other, is taking his pacifier out of his mouth and putting it back in, and is able to hold his toys for a little while before dropping or throwing them. I love that he is also reaching for things that he wants.
6. Mason’s sleeping is improving. Before cutting his first tooth we’ve been able to get him down between 7:30-8pm every night with not much fuss. He’s either been able to sleep through the night, waking up around 5:30am or he’s been waking up once in the middle of the night to nurse then goes right back down till 5:30-6am to nurse again. I’ve typically been able to put him back down with a final wake up between 8-9:30am. This is so drastically different from the first 3-4 months. His napping hasn’t improved much, still only getting a few short cat naps a day but he’s a happy baby so I feel very fortunate.
7. But…he’s still a very aggressive sleeper. Not sure if I mentioned this before, I know I did on social media, but my little Mason loves to kick and scratch when he’s asleep. I know they worn parents about sleep reflex and how babies can easily wake themselves up when their body reflexes but Mason was never keen on being swaddled. He always wanted to have his arms out and if I wrapped them in, well he found a way to wiggle them out and pretty easily too. The biggest issue for us with that is he would scratch his head and face at night while he was sleeping. This little dude has no problem with movement at night and will still sleep through it. I was introduced to this company Sleeping Baby and their Zipadee-Zip and now I swear by them and I like to refer to them as Mason’s fly suit!
8. Today, we are introducing him to food! I’ve been waiting till his 6 month birthday to introduce food to him. I know I could have done it sooner if I felt he wanted it but to be honest it’s only been about 2-3 days that he’s started to reach for what we’ve been eating. Up until now, he’s just watched us eat or drink but hasn’t reached out for it so I’ve felt like it was ok for me to wait till he’s 6 months old. I know many people who have started their LO’s on solids a month or two before but I’m happy that we waited till now.
I know there is so much more I could catch you up on but I’ll spare you an even longer post by ending it here for now. I’ll be updating you all on my own personal update as a new mom and struggling with getting my pre-baby body back soon, so be on the lookout for that!
Would love to hear from you all about your LO’s progress or big milestones you remember your LO hitting and how you dealt with them if you care to share in the comments below.
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