One of my favorite holiday dishes is oven roasted brussels sprouts. My mom always made the best side dishes using brussels sprouts growing up so now that I am the chef in my own kitchen I’ve adapted her recipe to make it my own. I’ve been experimenting lately with tasty twists to the original but always using the same key ingredients, brussels sprouts, onion, and chopped pecans. I will admit that I typically eyeball a lot of the ingredients so you will have to see what looks proportionate. Here is the latest tasty creation that was at hit at home with the hubby and hoping it will be just as big of a hit with the whole family today. Happy Thanksgivukkah everyone!!
1 pound organic Brussels sprouts, trimmed and halved
1 onion, sliced
4-5 large organic carrots, chopped
1 handful of chopped pecans
1 handful of pomegranate seeds
Preheat oven to 400 degrees. Toss cut brussels sprouts, onion and carrots in a large oven safe dish (I used a 9 x 13 glass baking dish). Drizzle olive oil or coconut oil over cut veggies and mix together (I used coconut oil spray this last time and it worked just as well). Grind some pepper on the top before putting into the oven. Roast for about 30-35 minutes stirring once or twice so that dish is cooked evenly and brussels sprouts turn a nice golden brown and the outside leaves are nice and crispy. Five minutes prior to being completely cooked add chopped pecans and replace in the oven. Once finished transfer to your serving platter of choice (I always like to use my Annieglass if I can). Sprinkle the pomegranate seeds over the dish right before serving. Bon Appétit!
What are some of your favorite holiday recipes?
What I’m wearing- Blouse: Rory Beca Sadira sleeveless sold out, similar here. Skirt: Parker Zoe skirt, on sale now at Apron: Porridge {old} similar one at Anthropologie.
Photo Credit: Jess Atkinson of Birch Studio Photography. Hair and Makeup: Maggie Andel of Studio by Angi.