This weekend I {gasp} unplugged! No phone, no internet, just quality time with the family; and no pic to prove it. I think we should all do this more often as we are so programmed nowadays to be plugged in at all times, especially as a blogger. Between Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, Vine (haven’t gotten into it yet), etc. there is barely enough time in the day to be present on all platforms and do everything else you need to do in a day, like live. I am constantly getting sucked in, only hours later realizing I have yet to accomplish one of my to do’s. I can’t say that time was wasted because quite frankly it wasn’t but sometimes you just have to experience life and not worry about documenting it. Just think of all the things we miss while looking down at our smartphones to post a pic, status update and/or tweet.
What do you think, could you unplug for a whole weekend!?! If you haven’t done it, I suggest you try; it’s not a scary as you think! Here is a great article from The Huffington Post to help jump start your unplugged hour, half-day, day, or weekend.