A while back I remember an article being shared around Facebook about the concept of taking a mom break. I think the premise was explaining how taking a vacation alone without your family is a great way to gain some of your self back and be able to be a better mother upon returning. The comments were out of control! Some moms 100% for it and others 100% against it. It was socially very interesting to me reading each side. I for one, am all for it! I don’t think that by taking a break from your mom duties that you’re abandoning your kids or showing them that mommy doesn’t love and care for them 100%. Because in my mind that couldn’t be farther from the truth. In all honesty, motherhood has been so much harder in some ways than I ever could have imagined. I love Mason more than ANYONE in the entire world. Even when I’m not with him, everything I think and do is for him.
But let’s be real, ALL moms need a break every now and again. If you stay at home with your children your patience will run thin, you’ll get irritable, and often times the kid/s will feel it. Sometimes all you need is an hour away. Other times, you might feel like you need to take a weekend to bring back the focus on yourself, take care of your own needs, and then come home recharged and missing your babies like crazy!!
I know all about mom guilt. Whenever I’m leaving Mason for a couple of days I feel horrible and I miss him like crazy. I’m currently in New York in the midst of NYFW doing something that I love but it isn’t easy being away from him either. I so wish there was two of me so that I could be in two places at once! But, what happens is I get to have some time enjoying me as an individual, doing the things that I love to do that are outside of motherhood, and feel proud in continuing to build my business. I know some people might not understand it or might not agree with it but I wasn’t planning on giving up my ENTIRE self to become a mother and I don’t think you need to.
Here are my top reasons why a mom break is a good idea:
1. Personal days are important. Just like with any other job it’s important to take a personal day once in a while. It allows you to come back to work with a renewed sense of purpose, energy, and drive to succeed. Why should it be any different for moms? If your full-time job is to be a mom, then it’s important to take a personal day once in a while so that you can be the best mom to your kid/s.
2. Sense of self is important. As a mom, it can be easy to lose your sense of self. Especially if you are doing it full-time. Every waking moment is revolving around your kid/s. Depending on the stage your kid/s are in you may or may not be getting much adult interaction.
3. Time to yourself is important. And I don’t mean getting to go to the bathroom in peace and quiet (though that would be nice too!). Especially with little ones, they are all over you all the time! For your sanity it is super important to get some time to yourself. Even if it’s just for an hour or two, having some alone time is good for your soul and will make you a happier mom to be around.
4. Taking a break is important. No matter what your break is from, taking a break is important. As full time moms, it sounds bad when you say this but you need a break from your kids. Parenting is intense. Everyday is different but also the same. There are daily challenges, obstacles to overcome, and there’s no reasoning with a toddler. It’s not that you don’t love them, we love them unconditionally, but you need a break so that you don’t get overwhelmed.
These breaks aren’t often. I’m not saying that you should plan a week away a month. But what I am saying is that by planning mom breaks into your year you have some time to look forward to that’s just about you. And it’s totally ok to do that! It’s ok to focus on yourself. By doing so, you will be a better mom, wife, partner. Mom guilt is real, we all experience it even when we know what we are doing is beneficial to all in the long run.
I’d love to hear your thoughts on this subject! Let me know in the comments if you’re pro mom breaks or if you think that when we decided to become mothers that, that was it until our kids are grown up. I’m super curious to hear your opinion!!
Top: A New Day. Pants: Express, old (similar options here and here). Booties: Dolce Vita. Earrings: Sugarfix by Baublebar c/o. Sunglasses: Tom Ford c/o. Handbag: Gucci (love this dupe). Coat: Talbots c/o.
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