Wishing you all a Happy Thanksgiving!! Every year I can’t help but feel blessed for all the things I am thankful for. This year more than any other I have so much to give thanks for. And since today is Thanksgiving I wanted to take some time and put pen to paper and make a list of all I am giving thanks for this holiday season. I’m sharing that list with you today to hopefully inspire you all to create your own lists and recognize everything that is good in your life.
1. Call me Mom
I’m sure that it is no surprise that becoming a mom just a few short months ago is something that I am eternally grateful for. Being a mom is something I have wanted it to be for many years now. While being a mother is not easy it is by far the most rewarding feeling in the world! To know that my love, care, and breastmilk (aka liquid gold) is all that Mason needs in order to grow, be healthy and thrive is incredible.
2. My Rock
I am so incredibly thankful for my rock, my husband, Justin! He is the most incredible partner to have in life and to be the father of my child. For the first few weeks, those nights when I’ve felt helpless and unsure if I am able to handle what life has given me, Justin has always been there to remind me that I’m doing the best job that I possibly can and the best job for Mason. He has also always supported me even for those things he doesn’t understand and I couldn’t be more thankful for that!
3. Puppy Love
Lexie and Jackson may not technically be considered puppies anymore but their love is something that I am year after year so thankful for. I am grateful for the fact that they’ve adjusted to life with Mason and have grown to love him just as much as Justin and I do. There snuggles, unconditional love, and sweet kisses bring so much joy to our lives.
4. Family
I’m just gonna go ahead and say it, we’ve got the best family!! My parents and my in-laws now better known as grandma and grandpa have been so supportive of Justin and I threw the 12 years we’ve been together and have especially been so helpful with the arrival of Mason James. With helping us get our house ready for baby, being at the hospital while we waited for the arrival of our son, preparing meals to help us through those first few weeks, and watching Mason so that we could get just a little bit of time together (just the two of us) are just a few of the things that I am most grateful for from them.
5. The Roof Over Our Heads
We’ve been homeowners for two years now and I couldn’t be more thankful that we were able to purchase this home when we did. We have poured our hearts into this home making it feel like us, project after project. We live in the most beautiful place ever. A destination many people travel to is right at our fingertips. I’m grateful for the memories we’ve already had in this home and I look forward to all of the memories we are going to create in the upcoming years with Mason.
6. Friends that are Family & Family that are Friends
Justin and I are fortunate enough to have an amazing group of friends. No matter where we are in life we’ve got each other’s back. Some we’ve been friends with since the very beginning and others came into our lives in college or after. They are the family we choose and I’m so grateful for all of them! And on the flipside I am so happy to have such an amazing relationships with so many of our family members. Their friendships mean the world to me and I’m so thankful for them!
7. Our Health
Living a healthy life has always been important to me and Justin and this year with my pregnancy I faced health issues I never thought I would face. With a complicated pregnancy and a surprise induction at 37 weeks I am just so incredibly thankful that Mason is a healthy baby. You can read his birth story to get all the details. I am equally thankful for my health and well-being and appreciate being able to take time to care for myself too.
8. YOU
Last but definitely not least, I am thankful for you! This year my blog has seen a good amount of growth and that wouldn’t be possible without your support. I strive to make my space on the internet one that is both attainable and inspirational. I want to make sure that I am always having fun with it because honestly if I wasn’t enjoying myself I wouldn’t be doing it. But at the same time I also want to make sure that I am giving you what you want to read. I’d love to hear what posts you’re liking (or not liking) and what type of posts you would like to see more of. Please let me know in the comments below so that I can continue to be a destination for you for all things fashion, lifestyle, and motherhood!