I realize I’m a couple weeks late with this post but since returning from NYFW the day before Mason’s b-day and with loads of fashion week content to get out to you all I figured there’s no harm in waiting a few weeks. To be honest, I can hardly believe that Mason is two!! I look at how big my baby boy has grown and I’m ready for the clock to slow down. What I would give to go back and relive that day two years ago when he entered into this world. That moment that I first laid eyes on our precious and tiny baby boy. My heart was so full. My love for my husband grew, even when I didn’t think it could grow any stronger than it already was. Mason was so perfect in every way. And we had a purpose so much larger than ourselves.
Those first few days were a wild ride. You can read more about our experience as new parents and the early struggles with Mason here.
My love for this boy grows deeper everyday. He is just such a bright light in our life. His happiness radiates and his laugh is beyond contagious! Mason is such a boy. No fear in this child! He will run towards the ocean, not away. He loves running across the sofa and diving into the pillows without hesitation. He climbs on everything and wants to check everything out. And yet he is still very cautious/intentional. So there’s a little bit of me in there!
Mason is such a chatterbox. He is telling jokes all the time because after the gibberish he’ll bust out laughing. He’s adding new words to his vocabulary but is not yet stringing words together. That’s ok because his activity level more than makes up for it. And, he still finds a way to communicate with me to where I always understand what he wants. If he doesn’t have the words yet, he has the actions. I think my favorite might be when he grabs my hand to lead me into another room. He’ll point up at the pantry to ask for a snack or take me into his room to read books. He also uses this leading technique when he sees me check my email or social media and it’s as if he telling me, “mom it’s time to focus on me and not work.”
Mason’s hand eye coordination is also pretty advanced (in my humble opinion). He can buckle himself into his carseat already and is great at putting caps back on water bottles or his little food pouches. He studies everything and then tries to do it himself. After some practice, he’s got it in no time!
He is the most loving little boy ever! His sweet kisses are just the best. I love that he wraps his arms around my neck and pulls me in for a sweet little smooch. I will take all the kisses he is willing to give me! He also gives big hugs the kind where he squeezes you tightly with his hands. When we’re relaxing on the sofa (which never lasts too long) he’ll rest his hand on my leg or hold my fingers and my heart just melts a little more.
Mason is such a good eater and is willing to try everything. But like most kids, he doesn’t always want what I’ve prepared for him even after I’ve asked if he wants something and he says, ok or yes. He separates his food which he definitely got from me. I think it’s pretty cute how he picks out all his veggies and sets them apart (same with fruit). Like if I make steamed veggies and throw cauliflower, broccoli and carrots together he’ll make small piles of each. He also eats all of one thing before moving on to the other food on his plate. So all the cuties, then the strawberries, and then he’ll move onto his sandwich. Another weird thing I’ve been know to do.
Mason started preschool two weeks ago and I know this is the beginning of a whole new chapter. I’m looking forward to him making connections with kids in preschool, building trust in other adults besides our family, developing his skills, and hopefully learning how to share and be ok if he doesn’t get exactly what he wants. Because right now, that one is hard for me to navigate. He gets so sad when things don’t go his way which is so hard for me too. I hate seeing him cry. And I know part of it is that he just doesn’t understand why.
While Mason is a happy, loving boy he also is very emotional. He is quick to change from happy to sad or frustrated. I know this is all part of his development and so we are just working to help him work through his emotions. Parenting is a wild ride but I am truly loving this special time I’ve been given with him. Being able to stay home with him has been the biggest blessing. We’ve had to make sacrifices and change our daily habits but those are things I’d gladly give up to have this quality time.
My little boy is two and he’s already got such a personality, facial expressions that are just so him, and the cutest little things that are unique to my baby boy. We just had his two year check up this morning and he’s tracking great. Just wanted to share some of the cute snaps I’ve taken of Mason this past year. Nothing professional, just some of my favorite pics I have of him that live on my phone so that I can look at them any time I want to. Any other parents do that? Justin and I are always looking at our favorite pictures and videos we’ve taken of Mason.
Shop a few of Mason’s favorite things:
As always, thank you so much for stopping by the blog today!