Now that Mason is six months old, we decided it’s time to start him on some solid food. He loves sitting up so Mason is really enjoying his new high chair! But as far as food is concerned so far, he’s not that into it (well the not eating it part at least). I’m trying to make my own baby food with the Baby Brezza glass food processor. It’s super easy and depending on what I’m trying to make I can set it to either steam, blend, or do both so I can set it and leave and know that it will do what it needs to do and when I come back to it, the food is ready to go.
I’ve made organic peas so far and pretty much everything I have tried to give Mason ends up on his bib. I also mushed up a small amount of banana since I eat them everyday, hoping Mason would enjoy it but he just made the funniest face and pushed it out with his tongue. I recently tried sweet potato next and so far the only part of eating he enjoys is playing with his spoon and feeling the food in between his fingers. I’m spacing out solid foods to every other day hoping that one of these days he’ll actually take an interest in it. This boy loves mamas breastmilk and honestly I’m ok with it. I know he’ll let me know when he’s ready for solid foods but until then I keep trying it out knowing I might just get a spoonful or two in before he’s pushing the food away or turning his head.
One thing I really wanted to have before starting Mason on solid food was a floor mat for underneath his highchair. I heard great things about the Gathre leather mats and so I was happy when they wanted to send me one! I’ve also used the mat for Mason to play on since it’s so easy to clean up and he’s drooling constantly. I know that as soon as Mason gets into food half of it will probably end up on the floor so having a floor mat underneath his highchair that is easily cleaned will make my life that much easier!
High Chair: Stokke. Cushion: Stokke. Floor Mat: Gathre c/o. Food Processor: Baby Brezza c/o. Bib: Modern Baby. Spoon: Avanchy (set of 5).
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