You all know that I love to share my health and fitness journey with you all. I share a lot of comparison photos on my instagram feed in between my progress updates on the blog. So if you’re not following me on instagram yet, hop to it! 😉
Since it’s a new year, and I’ve made a few changes to my daily health and fitness routine I figured I’d share it with you all in case you’re looking for some inspiration, motivation, or something new to try out! I’m all about learning what has worked for others and seeing if I can achieve the same (or similar) results. I finished BBG 1.0 before the holidays and shared my review here and then started BBG 2.0 only to get sick two weeks in. So at the start of the new year (well actually the first Monday of the New Year after my cold finally went away) I decided to just start at the beginning again. I can’t wait to share my review of BBG 2.0 and my comparison photos once these next twelve weeks are through!
To speak a little more about BBG 2.0, I have decided to make some major modifications on arm days. As many of you are probably aware, I had to have wrist surgery last year. It drastically set me back on my health and fitness goals and has been a bother ever since. I made some modifications last go round but with my wrists still being super weak and sensitive, with the help of my husband I’ve swapped out many of the exercises on “arms day.” Pretty much any exercise that uses my body weight on my wrists like push ups, mountain climbers, commandos, etc. I’ve removed and swapped with weighted exercises.
Another big change in my 2019 health and fitness routine is that I’ve started using Keto supplements, called KETO//OS, to help get my body into ketosis without having to stick with the Keto diet. I’ve continued to cut out wheat, dairy, and processed sugars but I can’t ever see myself giving up fresh fruit. I have seen some significant benefits already, after only taking them for a few weeks. I have much more energy throughout the day, am able to stay focused, my mental clarity is so much better, and I’ve not needed to drink coffee. This last one for anyone who knows me well, knows this is a big deal!! I’ve craved coffee for years and up until recently would have a couple of cups of coffee a day. I would treat myself to coconut lattes a few days a week on top of the black coffee I drank at home. Now, I don’t need or crave coffee. Instead, so far this year I’ve treated myself to one coconut milk latte and it’s been more like a dessert, as opposed to my daily fuel.
I take one KETO//OS charged supplement pack in my water first thing in the morning to get my day going. Charged just means that there is caffeine in the supplements. This gives me the boost I need to power through my workouts and morning so I can maximize my time and productivity on the days Mason has preschool.
Next change is that I have cut down significantly on my alcohol intake. Not like I was ever really drinking that much to begin with but since getting sick at Christmas and starting out the New Year not drinking for a week I’ve been trying to continue to limit my wine. I use to really feel like I needed a glass to unwind at night and maybe it’s because I’m taking these supplements or because I’m not drinking coffee but I don’t have those wine cravings at night like I use to. I’m not doing a dry January just to be clear, but really only having it on occasion as a treat as opposed to a small glass nightly.
So let’s quickly recap the changes I’ve made in 2019 that I feel are setting myself up for success and for achieving my health and fitness goals this year.
1. BBG 2.0 workouts 4 days a week. Monday=Legs. Wednesday=Arms. Friday=Abs. Sunday=Full Body.
2. Starting my morning with a KETO//OS NAT Charged supplement in my water. Some days I’m having a second supplement pack in the afternoon that doesn’t have caffeine in it.
3. I forgot to touch on this above but I have been doing intermittent fasting along with cutting out wheat, dairy, and processed sugars.
4. Always making sure my water bottle is filled so that I stay hydrated and drink enough glasses each day.
5. Cut out coffee.
6. Limited my wine and champagne drinking to just a few glasses a week.
What changes have you made to your health and fitness routine so far in 2019? I’d love to hear what’s working for you!!
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