I am a creature of habit and every fall I find myself falling (pun intended) for mustard and maroon. This color combo is definitely one that I am crushing on. When Justin and I went up to South Lake Tahoe last weekend I think half my wardrobe was in these tones. Yes, I packed about 5 outfits for 3 days. I had planned on getting lots of fall content for my blog, along with spending quality time with our friends (the real purpose of this trip), but that ended up not really happening. My phone was rarely next to me, we spent most of our time at the house we rented and while my laptop was in our room, I didn’t open it once. I shot 2 outfits the whole weekend. This being one of them!
It was nice to unplug for a long weekend. I’ve been struggling to get back into the groove since getting home. As I’m sure you’ve noticed with the lack of blog posts as well as social media posts. I guess I’m starting to re-evaluate my priorities which I do quite often these days it seems. My inner struggle with building my business and being a full-time mama is never ending. Right now, the mama bear in me is winning. I was trying to get a post out the other day and Mason was not having it, he started crying in fact and so I stopped what I was doing to hold him and wipe his tears from his cheek. All he wanted was my attention.
I know there will come a point where he needs to understand that mom needs time to do work but I’m feeling like now isn’t the right time for that. He’s growing up so quickly and I know there will come a point where he doesn’t need me quite as much. At that point in time I’m sure I’ll be longing for him to want me to hold him, rock him, sing to him, and read to him. There will come a time when I can focus more on me again, but that time isn’t now, or at least that’s what my heart is telling me.
I’m sharing all this with you because I’ve decided to cut back on blogging. I’ve been pushing so hard lately to post 4-5 times a week and it’s just not sustainable right now, not without cutting out something else. Being a full-time mom is no joke, even with only one toddler. My child and my husband are most important to me. Spending quality time with both is important.
I think from the outside it looks so much easier. Like, there couldn’t be that much work that goes into blogging. But, that couldn’t be farther from the truth. You have to be everything in your business. Marketer, Accountant, Biz Dev, Content Creator, Social Media Strategist, Office and Project Manager, Pitching Expert, Contract Negotiator, the list goes on and on. Until your ready to hire employees to help, you’re doing it on your own. I’m a one woman show and proud of it. I work whenever I can and sometimes at the risk of my mental wellbeing. Sleepless nights didn’t end once my baby learned to sleep through the night. I’ve spent plenty of nights up working into the early morning producing content.
Again, I’m sharing this with you all because I want you to know that I create this content for you, because I enjoy providing you with value. Be it in helping you dress for the season, sharing my tips and tricks that have helped me live a more stylish life, providing you with uplifting and relatable content about parenting, building confidence and being relatable when it comes to reaching your fitness goals, shedding light on topics I am passionate about. But it comes at a price, sometimes. And I am here reminding myself and YOU, that it’s ok to rest, take breaks, breathe, and invest in yourself (mind, body, and spirit).
It’s a new season and with that comes some changes. I’ll be going back to posting just 3 times a week (M-W-F) that way I can provide you with valuable content without the added pressure I put on myself. And, I don’t want to feel like I always need to break away from the things that make me most happy as a wife and mom to focus my attention on the blog. I need some time to relax and recharge. I may go back to posting more often down the road (probably as the holidays are approaching quickly) but for now, I’m going to see if this isn’t more manageable. Gotta keep my sanity in check here!
Blazer: Express, sold out (similar option). Sweater: Splendid LA, old (similar option as well as maternity option). Jeans: Joe’s Jeans. Boots: Stuart Weitzman, no longer available (new version and more affordable option). Bag: Gucci. Earrings: Kendra Scott c/o. Sunglasses: Tom Ford c/o.
Shop the look:
As always, thank you so much for stopping by the blog today! And if you didn’t see who won my $100 Macy’s gift card giveaway you can check that here as well as the lovely mama who won the tickets to the Moms Meets WOW Summit!