Can we be honest for a quick moment, how many times have you left the gym without having time to take a shower or change out of your workout clothes? I have had to do this a number of times, for various reasons. Either, I was called out of my workout because Mason was having a hard time at daycare or because I was trying to squeeze in my workout in-between appointments and errands. I know lots of friends who go workout on their lunch break. Even if they have time to shower and change afterwards, their gym bag then sits in their car and well…stinks it up! So when Febreze reached out to me to collaborate around their Febreze Your Gear campaign (#febrezeyourgear) I was super excited to partner with them!
I have used Febreze on our sofa, rugs, and dog beds but had never thought about using it on my gym clothes, until now! The #FebrezeYourGear program, has taught me that if it’s fabric, Febreze it! Post-workout, simply spray Febreze Fabric Refresher on your gym clothing, sneakers and gear until completely damp to safely and effectively clean away workout odors – and ensure that gym odors stay where they belong (at the gym!).
Febreze Fabric Refresher with OdorClear™ Technology cleans away odors in two simple ways:
1. Seeks out tough odors.
2. Cleans them away by deactivating and replacing them with a light, fresh scent.
I went to my favorite fitness club, The Bay Club, the other day to get in a quick workout session before a brand meeting in the afternoon and brought along my new Febreze Fabric Refresher to spray on my workout clothes and training shoes post-workout. Since I don’t live super close anymore, I try and take advantage whenever I’m over on that side of the hill to drop in for a visit. I have to admit I was super impressed with how Febreze Fabric Refresher was able to remove the smell of sweat. I totally forgot a change of shoes (insert face palm 🤦♀️ emoji) so I had to wear my training shoes with my dress as opposed to the booties I had planned on wearing. I sprayed the heck out of them on the inside and out to ensure my shoes didn’t smell. I walked out of the fitness club and couldn’t smell a thing. My gym bag sat in my car while I was in my meeting and when I got to my car there was no trace of odor!! Hooray!!!
More and more Americans are focusing on their heath and fitness goals but being the busy people that we are that doesn’t always leave us much time to workout in our day. In fact, 84% of gym goers (Source: The Nielsen Company Fall 2015 On-Location Study) admit to running errands within two hours of working out! We tend to forget that the smells go where we go. And how embarrassing that is if you run into someone you know while running those errands!! For the millions who don’t have time to immediately change and wash their gear after each workout, it’s time to #FebrezeYourGear.
Think of it this way, Febreze Fabric Refresher is like the Dry Shampoo for your shoes and clothes. I spray dry shampoo in my hair to remove the oils after a workout and it leaves my hair smelling amazing as opposed to, ya know smelling sweaty! I’m able to look and feel my best. I was confident going into my meeting knowing they would never be able to tell that I had been to the gym just hours earlier.
Thank you so much to Febreze for sponsoring this post! And as always, thank you so much for stopping by the blog today!!