With NYFW just a week away I figured it best I share this post so hopefully I can help save some people from committing MAJOR NYFW faux pas! Every year I see NYFW show attendees doing things that they really shouldn’t. I’m not sure if it’s because they really don’t know, or if they really just don’t care. But last season especially, I was shocked at some of the behavior of NYFW show attendees. I realize unlike at other types of events, there are no posted rules on the Do’s and Don’ts of fashion week. I’m sure it’s because they expect that if you’re getting an invite you are aware of NYFW etiquette.
But again, since I witnessed many Don’ts this past season I felt it best to share NYFW etiquette and the Do’s and Don’ts in case you’re considering attending this coming season or next (or any after for that matter). Because, the actions of one person can effect all of us. I had read an article before the SS19 season talking about “so called influencers.” I wish I could find the article again so I could reference here in case you wanted to read it. But the gist of it was that influencers are not respecting those in the industry and are acting entitled especially when it comes to getting invites to shows. This is before fashion week even kicks off and PR agencies in charge of putting together the guest list for their designers shows are already more weary of inviting bloggers/influencers to their shows.
Here are my Do’s and Don’ts for NYFW:
1. Standing vs Sitting. Invites to NYFW shows designate if you have a seat or a standing invite. Some shows even have a priority standing ticket which allows you earlier entrance to the show and the ability to fill in any open seats (only when the PR/volunteers tell you its ok to do so).
Do: Be polite and make friends with the volunteers. They will be the ones to pull when its time to fill seats. The nicer you are to them, the more likely you are to get asked to fill a seat.
Don’t: Don’t sit in a seat if it’s not yours. This can literally make you look so bad if the person whose seat you are sitting in arrives close to the start of the show. You will get kicked out of the seat and by then all the open seats have been filled leaving you standing.
2. Keeping the isles clear. So I know as someone who has been given standing tickets in the past that it is super enticing to try and stand in the isle so that you can get a clear view of the runway and a clear shot to share with your audience and friends. But let me just say NO. DON’T DO IT!
Do: Stay out of the isles when the show is about to start. That’s all!
Don’t: This is pretty obvious but don’t stand in the isles or try and kneel down in the isle right next to the front row. You will be blocking people who are in the seats which is a big no, no. There are mostly industry people in the seats. This includes editors and buyers, stylists and bloggers, along with some of the designers biggest patrons. I repeat, you do not want to block these people!! You are also creating a fire hazard as that is how people will get out of the seats and to the exit should there be a fire. And lastly, it is plain rude. The people who volunteer for NYFW are typically around all week and they do remember people. If you blatantly don’t listen to them they will remember you, and you just don’t want that!
3. Stay seated once the show starts. This isn’t a sports game where you can jump up in your seat or stay standing during an exciting play.
Do: Stay seated during the entire runway show. At the every end once all the looks have come down the runway and the models have done their final walk, once the designer comes out that’s when you can stand and clap for their work.
Don’t: Stand during the show if you have a seat. You will be blocking people in the rows behind you and the people standing behind you. Don’t stand on your seat either. Even if you are in the back row. It’s tacky and people notice. Also, leaning over people to “get the shot” is not very nice. You’re invading their space and I once had someones handbag hit me in the back when they did this. Needless to say, they didn’t say they were sorry or anything.
4. Sitting Front Row. I feel like if you are getting seated in the front row than you should already know the do’s and don’ts but often times I see people sneak their way into the front row and those are usually the people who don’t know proper etiquette.
Do: Put your bag on the ground underneath your seat and sit with your legs uncrossed. Make sure you’re in the correct seat and if someones photographer needs to sit across from them and you just happen to have that seat, move over so they can fit in. This happened to me last season. I was seated in the front row across from J. Alexander (Miss J) and Paris Hilton. Paris Hilton brought her photographer and needed him to sit across from her so he could get shots of her at the show. I moved over along with others in the front row to make room so he could sit.
Don’t: Cross your legs so that they’re sticking out into the runway. It messes up the shots for all the photographers standing in the risers. These are the people being paid to capture the runway and time and time again I hear them yelling out to people to get their legs out of the way. Don’t be that person! Also, don’t put your bag next to you. It just means that everyone has to cram in the front row to fit everyone who has a seat. Lastly, if you don’t have a front row ticket, don’t sit in the front row unless you are asked by one of the volunteers to fill the seat. Seriously, this is so bad. It’s rude to the people in the front row and it’s rude to the people who have seats in the second row. They should always be the first to fill in the front row, NOT YOU!
5. Designer Gift Bags. Not all shows have gift bags but for the ones that do they’re usually reserved for the first and sometimes second rows only.
Do: If you’re sitting in a row with a gift bag, do take it. The designer put a lot of thought into having you in those seats and it is polite of you to take it.
Don’t: Do not take a gift bag if it doesn’t belong to you. I’ve actually had this happen to me before at a show. After the show was over I reached under my seat to grab my bag and it was gone. It was literally there right next to my handbag and then it wasn’t. It’s just tacky to do that and I’d like to think bad karma.
6. Backstage Access. I love going backstage but just because I get invited to go backstage does not mean I necessarily have a seat to the show.
Do: Enjoy your backstage experience. Takes lots of pictures to share as the designers and beauty brands appreciate the coverage. I also like to ask if it’s ok to take close up shots before doing so just as a courtesy to the models and makeup artists. You can ask your contact who invited you backstage if there is a chance you might be able to stay for the show if you don’t already have an invite. If they say yes, then definitely stick around and enjoy the show!
Don’t: Get in the way of the designers, models, hair and makeup artists. They are having to do so much in such a little amount of time you really shouldn’t be in their way. So be aware of your surroundings! Don’t try and sneak in to see the show if they didn’t say it’s ok to. A lot of times these shows are at maximum capacity and that includes standing tickets. The worst thing is to have a ticket and then not be able to get in because it’s already at max capacity. This has happened to me before and was such a disappointment! At that point it didn’t matter that I had a seat in the second row. I wasn’t getting in. And the only way that happens is if the PR team over invited people but that typically only effects those with a standing ticket or if people sneak their way in since there are people taking a head count as you come in.
For those of you who have attended NYFW in the past, is there anything major I missed?
As always, thank you so much for stopping by the blog today!