My friends have been talking to me about dry shampoo for years now. I thought, wow that’s cool dry shampoo works for you but when do you workout?! Fitness is a big part of my life, it always has been. It also doesn’t hurt that my hubby is an officer in the Marine Corps so I strive to look my best for him since he looks so good for me. So when I workout I sweat; the more I push myself the more I sweat and the better I feel afterwards. Dry shampoo couldn’t possibly work for me, cause when would I workout?!
I’ve decided to jump on the dry shampoo train because let’s face it, when I get a Drybar blowout I’d like to keep it for more than a day or two. Since I workout almost daily my only option is to give dry shampoo a try and pray it will work for me.
I’m trying three different options to hopefully find the right fit for me. I’ll let you all know who the winner is once I’m finished trying all three. I have no idea how long a bottle lasts for so it could be a while until I post the results.
If you have a favorite dry shampoo, please share. It may end up replacing one of the other two dry shampoos that I try.
Wish me luck!