This Saturday Justin and I hosted our first holiday at our place. We had our family and friends over for a 4th of July barbecue. It was so nice to be able to have our house in a condition good enough to have our family and friends over (kids included) since we’ve pretty much been going from project to project and I didn’t want all the construction and dust to get in the way of having a good time. That being said it was a great push for us to complete one of our projects which was our brick patio addition (more on that later this week). Anyway, I love a good party and I am definitely feeling more comfortable these days with hosting. It can be a little daunting at first but boy is it fun to see everyone enjoying themselves and having a good time with others. I felt like our 4th of July party was a success because everyone got enough food to eat and there were plenty of drinks to go around! There are a few things that can make or break a party and not having enough food is definitely high up on that list. I may have been running around a little more than I would have liked to, hence the reason I don’t have any pictures during the barbecue, next time I’ll remember to try and prep even more food in advance, I had my first round ready to go far before anyone arrived but round 2 and 3, not so much. And I’m definitely getting my groove with party decor down pat, I could always improve my game but I think that will come with time. I loved everything I was able to pick up for the 4th: festive pillows, cute beverage tub, red white and blue paper plates, fun straws, and an awesome picnic blanket that will definitely be reused. I always enjoy selecting flowers to create the perfect arrangements. I’m not into having store bought pre-made festive bouquets only because to me they can look a little cheesy so I opt for creating my own. In some cases, like for this weekend, this means going to more than one place to get the flowers I want. I made a trip to Whole Foods and got most of the flowers but had to go to Trader Joes and thankfully they had the blue hydrangeas I was looking for!
I hope you all had a Happy 4th of July weekend! May your Monday be short and your coffee strong!!!
Shop the decor:
Here are some tips I used when transforming my outdoor space for the party:
Check out 10 easy ways to elevate your next backyard BBQ
by Laura Adney at Mode