The Summer is events season. When the weather warms up and the nights stay lighter, longer it seems that more and more events are happening throughout the week and carry through the weekend. It’s been a few weeks since the Intermix opening party but I still wanted to share some pictures from the talented Nikki Ritcher (all photos in this post are via Nikki).
I have been a fan of Intermix for quite some time so when I found out that a location opened up in the Town and Country shopping center in Palo Alto I got really excited. Actually, the way I found out about it was on the Saturday prior to the opening when I was at the Town and Country center with my friend for brunch. We decided to walk around afterwards and we walked right by the shop. I couldn’t believe that I had missed it before seeing as I live just minutes away and frequently go there for one reason or another. Still having no clue they were new to the neighborhood I asked if there were going to be any upcoming events (I’ve been to others at different locations like Georgetown) and that’s how I found out. I was happy to hear that, since I couldn’t imagine that I walked past it many times before and just didn’t notice it was there. My favorite part about Intermix, as a company, is that each store is curated with that location in mind, meaning no two Intermix’s are alike!
I think shopping events are fun and worth attending but ones that also give back to charity are the ones I try not to miss. I might as well give back when I give to myself. You’ve probably seen some of my new purchases from the event here and here.