I feel like our coronavirus New Normal is something we all have been talking about lately. After over 2 months in quarantine, life looks a lot different than it did just a few months prior. Since so much of what we’re hearing and seeing on social media (Facebook in particular) is negativity around our new normal, I want to chat about all the things that the coronavirus has blessed us with. Something I think should be talked about more.
Rather than arguing over different political views, since regardless of what’s being talked about, politics somehow works its way into the conversation, how about sharing some positive ideas around solutions. It’s sad how many people I have had to put on mute right now on Facebook. I just can’t with all the negativity. I hate to sound mean or insensitive, I hope I’m not coming off that way, but if I’m being honest, I’m so over it! I shared on my Facebook feed a while ago now, how we are all weathering the same storm but not in the same boat. I get that there are people who are struggling financially, mentally, and emotionally. I’m not discounting that by any means. But, regardless of the boat you are in, you can find a silver lining (if you want to) and focus on the good, instead of the bad.
What happened to spreading kindness around like confetti, or being good to thy neighbor?? How about treat people the way you want to be treated? Unless of course, that is how they want to be treated and then I guess they shouldn’t freak out when there are opposing opinions being served on their posts…Ok, I’m getting off my soapbox right now and getting back to my point for this blog post.
Here’s 8 ways shelter in place has been a blessing:
1. It’s forced me to slow down. While work has decreased greatly it’s allowed me to spend my days at home with my family without being concerned about what work needs to get done and isn’t at any given time. I’ve been able to appreciate the little things and being creative with ways to recharge like I would while on vacation but at home.
2. Building stronger healthy habits. While I’ve been putting into place healthy habits for a long time now, this extra time has given me the no excuses mindset. After a month of trying to figure this new normal out, I am now working out daily, taking time for myself including some at home pampering and meditation along with workouts on my Peloton.
3. Growing my connection with GOD. Not being able to attend church in person was tough at first but I am so thankful that Twin Lakes Church already was live streaming services. I have felt so connected even being far apart and I have felt so much comfort by virtually attending church each Sunday. Before quarantine, Justin and I would do our best to attend church as often as we could but in between trips and work rotations we would miss a Sunday every now and then. I love that besides Sunday services, I get daily devotionals to help strengthen my relationship with GOD and to remind me as long as I have faith and trust in GOD everything will work out how it should.
4. Increased family time. I have cherished the family time we have been getting. Justin is still working but on those 4 days that he gets off at a time we’ve been spending so much time together as a family. I’m sad we haven’t been able to include our extended family into the family bonding time but I wouldn’t trade this time I’ve been blessed to have with Justin and Mason as well as our pups, Lexie and Jackson. The crazy amounts of cuddles and kisses I’ve been receiving has been amazing!
5. Working on a number of home projects. Justin and I have been tackling a number of home projects these past few months. Most of which are still in progress since they are bigger projects that take a lot of time and then some other projects that I was able to knock out in a weekend, like this one. I am so happy to be focusing on our home and continuing to turn it into our oasis.
6. Saving money. Even though my online shopping has gotten a little (or a lot) out of hand, and my paid partnerships have slowed down a lot, we have somehow still been able to save money which is awesome and another reason why we’ve hit it so hard with our DIY projects.
7. Date nights at home. We have always enjoyed having date nights at home after Mason goes to bes. The past few months, Justin and I have been having date nights in by ordering pick up and helping support our local restaurants and binge watching a lot of our favorite shows. Yay for early releases of some of our favorite shows newest season.
8. Supporting local businesses. Not like I didn’t support our local businesses before COVID, but I think since shelter in place and so many businesses being negatively affected by this virus, I have put forth a much bigger effort to shop small and support our community as much as I can. Yes, I shop Amazon all the time still but if I can shop small and get what I need from a local business owner I have been choosing to do so. I am actually working on a blog post right now, where I highlight local women run businesses in Santa Cruz County.
Shop the look:
As always, thank you so much for stopping by the blog today! If you’re up for it, I’d love to know one thing you feel has been a blessing to you during shelter in place. Leave it in the comments, please!!